Marilyn provides NSW Birth, Death and Marriage certificate transcriptions to Ancestry clients through Genealogy Certificate Transcriptions.

Marilyn save Ancestry clients time and money by supplying Transcriptions of NSW Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates. A Transcription costs at least 30% less than an official certificate, but contains the same information.

Ordering is fast and easy on the Ancestry website. Completed Transcriptions are delivered direct to your email inbox, or by post if you prefer.

Click here to see samples of what Marilyn provides to Ancestry clients.

8 thoughts on “Genicert via Ancestry

  • June 4, 2015 at 11:45 pm

    Hi Marilyn
    I have recently ordered a number of certificates from you through Ancestry and have found your service exceptional. It appears that we can no longer place orders through Ancestry.

    I endeavored to place a couple of orders today through your order website and am having difficulties with the process. Would you let me know if you are still offering this service and if so how do I continue to order certificates?

    Robyn Caldwell

  • May 21, 2016 at 3:14 am

    Hi Marilyn, I am a member of ancestry but cannot work out how to order the Genicerts there – is there a site with a ‘how to order’.
    Thank you. Lesley

  • June 23, 2016 at 3:16 am

    Hello Lesley

    Thanks for your note.

    First, make sure you are logged in to Ancestry, as the shopping cart to purchase will only show when you are logged in.

    Second, there is an anomaly with the Ancestry indexes, in that the little shopping cart only shows up in the lists when searching the Australia Birth Index, the Australia Marriage Index, or the Australia Death Index only. It DOES NOT SHOW when searching the combined Birth Death and Marriage Index.

    So when searching, make sure you go to the separate indexes:

    Australia Birth Index:

    Australia Death Index:

    Australia Marriage Index:

    Ancestry are aware of the problem and have undertaken to fix it, but in the meantime you’ll need to use the above links to be able to see the shopping cart in the results page.

    Cheers, Marilyn

  • October 22, 2016 at 6:00 am

    Dear Marilyn,
    Many thanks for advising on your website the problems of the anomaly with the Ancestry indexes. Before I discovered the answer on your site I had been on the telephone with two separate staff at about the fact I had been able to order certificates via GeniCert early in the week and then the ability to order was lost three days later. Even though their staff were very courteous neither of the ladies knew about the problem and the fact that Ancestry were trying to fix it. I was told by them:
    1. I had to go to Australian Archives to buy the Certificates.
    2. That the ability to order Certificates can change in the course of a few days. One day you can and then for some reason the “powers that be” no longer allow these Certificates to be ordered on the system.

    Anyway, just wanted to say THANK YOU for this information and I have now been able to start ordering again.



  • July 27, 2021 at 7:22 am

    Are you able to provide this service during the Sydney lockdown?

  • August 6, 2021 at 1:15 am

    Hi Marilyn, I would like to order certificates through Ancestry. I am a current member and logged into my Ancestry account. Following your instructions for Birth , or Marriage or Death Certificates , I clicked the link provided for birth, searched results, found the one I needed but I am not getting the little shopping cart to be able to purchase. I have not had any trouble ordering in the past. Can you advise if this service is still available?

    Maree Young

  • January 30, 2023 at 11:12 am

    Hi Marilyn
    My name is Lorraine Thomas i am a member of Ancestory i have been trying to order a Birth Certifcate for a Catherine Alice Harrision Norn 8th Dec 1890 Died 21 Jan 1976 I am having trouble finding out who her parents are so I thoght about applying for her Birth cerificate re you able to help me in any way

    Thanku lorraine thomas

  • November 30, 2023 at 12:53 pm

    Hi Marilyn

    I am trying to order Genicert via Ancestry but after a morning of trying , I have no success.
    I have following the provided links by you , but will not recognise births or deaths even though I have the registration numbers I have from NSW BDM
    I can see there has been past problems with the process and wonder if it is no longer available.
    particularly like the appearance of your Gencert so keen to order.


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